
Hand off Ladies….They’re Taken!

No Girls Allowed…except family

We went as a family to the local froyo shop for a birthday treat for Andrew.  Dax was getting restless and had already rearranged ALL of the chairs in the store.   So, while the girls were finishing eating, the guys went outside for a stroll.   I’m so glad I had my big girl camera with me because when the girls and I came out to leave, we found this walking towards us…..

Three guys that I get to claim as mine!!!  How lucky am I?  IMG_2098BLOG

I have a pretty awesome husband that reminds me daily of my worth and value that I don’t always give myself credit for.  He loves me for me, including all of my brokenness.  He’s also an incredible daddy and stepdad.

Andrew just turned 11……….SERIOUSLY?!?!?!?  Is this real??  Where did my baby go?  Thank goodness girls are still kinda icky!  He’s had his share of “girlfriends” this past year at school.  I really think it was more the girls that were onto him and not the other way around.  At least I sleep better thinking that.  I’m not ready for girls!  NOT HAPPENING!!!!  NO.  GIRLS.  ALLOWED!!!!!!

And then there’s Dax!  He’s almost 1!   This little surprise has been one of the greatest blessings!  He makes us laugh everyday……multiple times.  I joke that we are raising a tiny monster with all the attention he gets.  But really, look at that face!  He thinks he’s BIG STUFF!!!  We can’t get enough of him!  I can’t wait to see what his little personality is going to develop into….for now…..I’m exhausted trying to keep up with him.  Who needs exercise….I chase Dax!  =)

I’m one lucky lady!  I can’t say that this is how I had my life played out in my head, but I’m so glad this is my life!  These boys are THE BEST!!!!


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Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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