
Happy New Year 2021

I’m excited to start a new year! 2020, while it was different, wasn’t just awful for me. I know some of you feel differently (and thats okay!). I enjoyed the forced down time and extra time with my family.

Looking to 2021, I have some goals. I’m not one for resolutions. I think they set us up for failure. I prefer goals and words/themes. My word for this year is “PRIORITIZE”. I learned in 2020 about what is important and I want to continue to make sure my priorities are in the right order!

I’m also setting some goals for this year. You’ll see a lot more here on the blog as well as over on Instagram.

Starting tomorrow, I’ll be posting a list of goals to accomplish each week of January. Things like clean the over or junk drawer. Simple things to do each day that will make you feel accomplished because you can see the progress. I know there are days I feel like I did so much and can’t even tell. Watch for more here and on Instagram.

I also have a habit tracker download for you to print off and color each day you meet your goal. It could be drinking water, walking 10,000 steps, making your bed, getting 8 hours of sleep (HA)…. whatever you want it to be. It’s a great way to see your progress throughout the year

I’d love for you to share this with your friends!

Happy New Year!!!!

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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