
I walked out!

If you missed the story…..go back and read part 1 and part 2

I left you all (and myself) wondering what would come next….


Why 4AM? Don’t they know that’s sleeping time??? But, it’s also X-ray time apparently. Every single morning, the tech came in with the huge machine, shoved the hard metal board under my back and took a picture of my lung. Monday morning it was a great picture followed by another picture (the one that would let me go home) with pretty disappointing news. Let’s be real, I was crushed and defeated. I lay in that hospital bed with tears streaming down my face. It took a lot for me to pull myself together Monday. Our amazing Pastor took time out of his day to come visit with us and pray. I remember feeling a peace come over me and I had one deep breath with absolutely zero pain as he prayed the words “Heal her lung. Inflate her lung.” As Monday went on, the pain actually got worse. I was certain that the Tuesday morning X-ray would show it was still collapsed. As he took the 4AM X-ray I started crying. I hurt. I could t take a deep breath without stabbing pain. I felt certain I was headed for surgery.

Doctor Rounds

The doctor and about 4 students came in a few hours later and woke me from a pretty deep sleep. I was not ready for them. I knew the news was bad. And then I heard the words, “Your X-ray looks beautiful! A picture perfect lung! They will come and pull your tube shortly, you’ll have one more X-ray and if it’s good, you’ll be discharged!” I’m pretty sure I responded with, “Are you sure? It’s okay? But I hurt so bad?!” He assured me I was perfectly fine and the pain I was feeling was from the tube not my lung.

Okay, deep breath, yeah, I tried….deep as I could take breath. Let me pinch myself. I had pretty much lost faith and hope in my body to get me through this.

Tube Pull

Well as quickly as the tube went in, it came out in lightning speed. Seriously, the tape/bandage coming off was the hardest part. She snipped a few stitches that were holding the tube in and told me to count to three, take a big breath and hold while she “yanked”……WHOA WHAO WHAO STOP!!!! You’re just going to yank it? I’m not ready! How bad will it hurt? Panic mode!!!! Okay, okay, pull it together. I’m ready……1…..2…..3……….. oh, that was it???? It was nothing at all. Now, I have a humongous bandage on and a good size puncture wound in my side, and I still can’t shower for 48 hours, but I’m tube free!!!!!! Let’s blow this pop stand….. oh yah….wait 2 hours. X-ray. Then go IF the lung is up.

Longest 2 hours ever

Waiting to go to X-ray had to have taken an eternity. I’d convinced myself I wasn’t going home because the tube was out and I still hurt…bad. While I was gone to X-ray, the pharmacy had brought my meds to the Room and the preparations to go home were starting. I just shook my head. I’m not going. I just know something isn’t right.

They read it fast! My nurse came in and said, “you ready to go or do you want to wait for lunch?” Ummmmmmmm……did she really just ask if I wanted to stay for lunch???? HECK NO!

And I walked myself out

Paperwork done ✅

Meds and belongings gathered ✅

Creg headed to get the car ✅

Find a wheelchair……………

Well, the wheelchair was being used……..I could wait another 20 minutes or….”Can I just walk out?”

Walk from the 7th floor to the parking lot ✅

Snuggle my baby for a nap until the bigs get home and mom life sets in ✅

***And here’s the coolest part of it all….Saturday night, one of our church staff members came to visit. As he was praying he said “I see you walking out of this hospital healed, yes I know you have to take a wheelchair, but I see you walking out….”

AND I DID!!!!!

There is Power in the name of Jesus!!!

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

Find me on: Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook


  1. Sandy Hart
    February 28, 2018 / 2:20 PM

    Praise the Lord! Just what we had been praying for you. Glad you are home and can recover with your family.

  2. Janet Myers
    February 28, 2018 / 6:17 PM

    PRAISE GOD!!! For whatever reason God had for you to be in there may never be known, but we know God is the great physician and nothing is impossible with Him! So glad you’re home. Creg and Mom can cook…you relax.??

    • February 28, 2018 / 8:50 PM

      I don’t relax. Lol. I’m right back to laundry and cooking. ?