
My “real” job

What is a “job”?

Last year around career day at school, my 11 year old told me that I didn’t have a “real” job so I couldn’t come in to talk about my career.  That hit my kinda hard.  I reminded him that I’m a photographer, but since I try to do that in my free time, they don’t see much of that side of me.  If Monday-Friday 9-5 is a “real” job, he’s right!

I looked up the definition of job….

job definitionThe definition makes me feel a little better.  I do get paid as a photographer.  It’s my way to help support our family.  I am in a position where I don’t have to go to a “real” job everyday.  The husband does that (and we are beyond thankful)!  My “job” allows for some extras…..it’s like a bonus!

My job as a photographer allows me the flexibility to work a little extra when we “need” it and not work when I’m needed somewhere else (school/home/etc).  I am also blessed to be able to use my talents as a gift and bless others.   A couple of weeks ago, I was able to be a part of something amazing for a dear friend.  Sure, this is my “job” to capture moments, but it certainly doesn’t feel like a job!  You can see the whole post here.  It was a pretty exciting night!

elizabeth highcock photographic artist

My Real Job

My “real” job may not fit the definition exactly.  There is no monetary pay, but it is the BEST job (for me)!  I’m Mom!  I’m Mom to 4 and stepmom to 3.  I’m sleep deprived.  I haven’t washed my hair in 4 days (messy bun for the win).  There are crumbs on the floor.  I found week old french fries in my car yesterday.  I spend my day keeping the baby off the kitchen table trying to keep the baby off the kitchen table….I fail (see below).  And see that pencil he’s after for the millionth time?  He scribbled on the wall last week and the marks are still there.  It is pure chaos most days!  I’m sure there are some moms counting the days until school starts again.  Not me!  I’m trying not to think about it.  I love spending every day with my babies.  They grow so quickly!  I have an 11 year old!  He was just climbing on the kitchen table, wasn’t he??  I get to raise these tiny humans!  I get to do that!  I’m responsible for them!  I may not be paid with money, but I’m paid with hugs, kisses, hand holds, splashes in the pool, and so much more!  I wouldn’t trade being Mom for any amount of money!

I’m not knocking the working moms.  I totally get it!  We all have our calling.  Just because a mom goes to a “real” job doesn’t make her less of a mom.  Full time mom is the best job for ME.  It may not be for you.  There are days I wonder if it’s for me….that’s usually when I need to take a personal day.  =)  Who’s ready for a girl day??  I am!

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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