
Pure Chaos

If you come to my house unexpectedly…..prepare yourself for a hurricane!

At any given time, it is quite possible that there are 2 adults, 6 children, a big dog, and a little dog all sharing the same space!!!  There are certainly times that it leads to crabby mommy. Then, I remind myself that I can’t have the “picture perfect” magazine house at this stage of life.  It’s just not possible and stressing about it doesn’t help. 

There are also days like today….all the big kids are with their other parent and the husband is at work……just me, little man, and the dogs………so peaceful…..?

Who am I kidding????  I could try and blame the hurricane environment on all the kids……it’s really just one (and the dogs?). 

Dump, tell the dog, share….. Good thing he’s cute……I just mopped the floor!!!!  HAPPY SATURDAY!

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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