
46 Years and counting… {Happy Anniversary}

Happy Anniversary!  Today my parents are celebrating 46 years of wedded bliss!  My mom (because I doubt my dad will see this) probably just laughed out loud at “bliss”.  If dad does see it, he may hide a little chuckle under his breath!  HA!  I think anyone would be lying if they said ALL of their time married was “bliss“.  Marriage is hard!  Heck, life is hard sometimes!  The important thing is that they made it!

I have to be honest….I grew up in that house…..I never once questioned their marriage!  Sure, there were some arguments/rocky days, but that’s life, right?  Together, they’ve set a great example about not giving up, fighting through hard times, forgiving and loving each other through it all.

Grandparents Grandchildren Anniversary

Outtakes are the best!

These kiddos are pretty lucky to have such awesome grandparents!  I pray for each of them to find (many years from now) someone that will fight together for their marriage the way that my parents have and the way Creg and I plan to treat our marriage.

Happy Anniversary!!!!  We love you lots!!!

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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1 Comment

  1. Mom
    August 8, 2016 / 5:13 PM

    Oh, my! Is that dirty laundry?!?
    Thanks, and love you more than words can express!