

I’m having a what?!?!?!

#boymom #momofwhat #boywhat

#noboysallowed #girlsonly #helpme

I’m pretty sure that 11ish years ago when I found out my first child was a boy, there were tears………..totally serious!  Tears!  Big, huge, ugly cry tears!  Boy???  Are you sure??  Check again….please…..

Remember that game MASH you played with your elementary school girlfriends?? (c’mon, I’m not that old…..we should bring that game back!)  I was going to live in a mansion, with Jordan from NKOTB , and have 4 kids…ALL GIRLS!!!!!!!  Boy was never part of the plan!  Whose idea was it to throw a boy in that mix?  Boy meant sports……Boy meant special daddy time…..boy meant cars/trucks…..boy meant hunting…… where was I supposed to fit into all of that???

Guess what?!?!  I’ve survived!  He’s pretty awesome!  I’m pretty lucky that he gets to call ME Mom!!


BUT……….all those boy things…….I was NOT prepared for some……….

*You are not a car!  And, if you were, you’d be an automatic!  It is NOT a gearshift!!!!!!!!!

*There is an ant farm IN MY HOUSE!

*I’m rejecting requests for a snake, spider, or lizard as a pet.

*The bathroom floor….one word….ewwww!

*I just ate a breakfast at the kitchen table with a cup sitting next to me and it want full of coffee!

*…….and many more things that just keep life interesting and keep me laughing (and shaking my head)


I get to do this boy thing, not once, but twice!  I’m so glad I do!!!  Boys are GREAT!  I’ve learned so much because of my boys. There was a plan greater than mine. I had no idea that I needed to be a boy mom, but I did!

I can only imagine what little brother is going to be like (how is he going to be 1 tomorrow?)……..I can’t wait to see what the future holds for both of my amazing BOYS!!!

 ~P.S…………MASH, you FAILED!!!!  Where’s my mansion?

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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1 Comment

  1. Mom
    June 15, 2016 / 9:24 AM

    Wonderful that you had a mom and boy only night and day!