
Family Fun at the Fair

Family Fun….

…..More like anxiety overload for mom


It’s county fair time….I think I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve been to the county fair in my entire life!  Just thinking about it gives me anxiety. ?  Porta pots, grease on a plate, people with not enough clothes on, germs,etc…….Not my idea of a good time or family fun!  I get my “fair fix” at our local festival every year.  That’s more than enough for me!  At least there, we know the people!  Anyway……

My mother, who of all people knows my issues, suggested we go for free family fun night.  She’d heard it advertised on the radio and somehow thought it was a good idea!  Instant panic attack…but, since we had ALL the kiddos,  I pulled up my big girl britches and said lets go!  With all these kids, free is always good!!

The kids were excited when we told them we were going to a fair UNTIL we told them we weren’t spending any money……Instant begging and pleading for rides.  I threatened toilet scrubbing if they continued to beg.  We were going to spend money for dinner grease on a plate, and that was it!  It was FREE Family Fun Night.  Rides were not going to be needed with the extra activities that were supposed to be going on…………

Well……those family fun activities that were advertised turned out to be potato sack races and a wooden block stacking game…..THAT.  WAS.  IT!  They also had a “needle in a haystack” dig for treasure scheduled for later on. Recipe for disaster is all I can think.  The kids were less than thrilled with what we were finding, but my toilet scrubbing threat was better!

We The kids and Creg found something to eat for dinner and we headed back to do the “dig”.  They weren’t quite ready for the dig so I decided to make the most of the potato sack races while we waited……..why not??

It actually turned out as an OK night!  We spent time together as a family (mission accomplished), only spent money for food (if you can call it that), the kids won some cash and candy in the dig, electronics weren’t involved, and even had some fun!!!!

It may have not been ideal, my anxiety may have been sky high, Andrew escaped all pictures, but we made the most of it…..

With a Wink and a Smile!

Elizabeth Pierson
Elizabeth Pierson

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